At the encouragement of some of you, I started a blog at about a year ago. As stated on my website, the main purposes for my blogs are to support the “Empowering Asian Americans & Promoting Better Relations with China and Asian Pacific countries.” It has been a rather prolific year, as I have averaged about 1.6 blogs per week. As well, I am gratified by the general positive feedback for my efforts.
Without a doubt, my most popular work was “All Of Us Belong Right Here“. It started out as a poem on April 10, 2022. At the suggestion of some of you, I composed a rather catchy chorus and made it into a song, and then a Music Video. The crowning achievement of this effort was a float, named after this theme song, at the recent San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade, with a 70+ strong multi-ethnic group of singers, dancers and band members celebrating our country’s diversity.
At this point, I have to pause and thank the many people who have supported my efforts and, in particular help make the video, the float and the parade possible. My partners in crime are Ken, Diana, Dennis, Jeff, Christine, Herbert, Maeley, Da Hsuan and many others.
Through my blogs, I have made friends and gained supporters. The US has in general been good to us but alas, some fellow country men (and women) fail to appreciate that there is strength in diversity and unity. Others could not or would not stop playing a “zero sum game” and accept a world that has increasingly turned multi-polar. Asian Americans are assets in competition with the PRC.
Overall, it has been a year of great experience for me!