Previously I have written about Trip Bitten, an American couple (Miguel and Yvonne) currently living in China who vlogs on YouTube about their Asian travels and geopolitics. I like Miguel’s vlog because he attempts to be unbiased and objective. A few days ago, Miguel posted on what he still loves about the US after 12 years living abroad.
I find his opinions honest and refreshing. There are many things that are good about our country. I suggest you take the time to watch his video which is (only) 14:23 minutes long. But if you don’t have the time, here is what he said.
According to Miguel, and I agree mostly, the following twelve items are things the United States of America is still doing well:
- DIVERSITY – the US welcomes people from around the world. Diversity is still our strength.
- CAREER OPPORTUNITY – Although there is still a glass ceiling, people who work hard can still climb the corporate ladder and be successful. To many, the US is still the land of opportunity!
- THE AMERICAN SPIRIT: The CAN DO attitude not necessary found in China or other countries.
- EASY TO START A BUSINESS: Entrepreneurs can still thrive!
- INNOVATION and HIGHER EDUCATION: The US is very innovative and we have many world-class universities!
- PUBLIC SERVICE: Our National Parks and our public services such as libraries and emergency response are still world class!
- GENEROSITY: Americans are generous people. According to the World’s Giving Index, the US ranks third in giving, right after Indonesia and Kenya.
- NATIONAL BEAUTY: The US has some of the most beautiful National Parks. The establishment of Yellowstone National Park set an example for the rest of the world to follow.
- CORRUPTION FREE AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: Local governments are still mostly corruption free, although the same cannot be claimed at the State or National levels where big money and partisan politics dominates.
- THE RIGHT TO VOTE: Although this has been corrupted, Americans can still have the freedom to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice.
- OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM can theoretically (and technically) be fixed without a major/bloody revolution.
Miguel pointed out a lot of good points about the US.
Many domestic problems are in a mess but it is fixable IF we educate ourselves and wake up to the root cause of the problems we are currently facing!