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What is good about the US (after having lived 12 years abroad) by Trip Bitten

Previously I have written about Trip Bitten, an American couple (Miguel and Yvonne) currently living in China who vlogs on YouTube about their Asian travels and geopolitics. I like Miguel’s vlog because he attempts to be unbiased and objective. A few days ago, Miguel posted on what he still loves about the US after 12 years living abroad.

I find his opinions honest and refreshing. There are many things that are good about our country. I suggest you take the time to watch his video which is (only) 14:23 minutes long. But if you don’t have the time, here is what he said.

According to Miguel, and I agree mostly, the following twelve items are things the United States of America is still doing well:

  1. DIVERSITY – the US welcomes people from around the world. Diversity is still our strength.
  2. CAREER OPPORTUNITY – Although there is still a glass ceiling, people who work hard can still climb the corporate ladder and be successful. To many, the US is still the land of opportunity!
  3. THE AMERICAN SPIRIT: The CAN DO attitude not necessary found in China or other countries.
  4. EASY TO START A BUSINESS: Entrepreneurs can still thrive!
  5. INNOVATION and HIGHER EDUCATION: The US is very innovative and we have many world-class universities!
  6. PUBLIC SERVICE: Our National Parks and our public services such as libraries and emergency response are still world class!
  7. GENEROSITY: Americans are generous people. According to the World’s Giving Index, the US ranks third in giving, right after Indonesia and Kenya.
  8. NATIONAL BEAUTY: The US has some of the most beautiful National Parks. The establishment of Yellowstone National Park set an example for the rest of the world to follow.
  9. CORRUPTION FREE AT THE LOCAL LEVEL: Local governments are still mostly corruption free, although the same cannot be claimed at the State or National levels where big money and partisan politics dominates.
  10. FREEDOM OF SPEECH as guaranteed by the FIRST AMENDMENT.
  11. THE RIGHT TO VOTE: Although this has been corrupted, Americans can still have the freedom to vote for the candidate(s) of their choice.
  12. OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM can theoretically (and technically) be fixed without a major/bloody revolution.

Miguel pointed out a lot of good points about the US.

Many domestic problems are in a mess but it is fixable IF we educate ourselves and wake up to the root cause of the problems we are currently facing!

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